Who’s Telling Your Story? Part 2

Who's Telling Your Story Part 2 Character POV

Last time we looked at point of view from the perspective of first person or third person. Today let’s take a look at what I call the character POV.

No story has just one character. Even in a plot of one man against nature, nature becomes the second character.

So how can you determine your best POV character(s)?

Who is the best character to tell your story?

You want to think about what happens to each character and how much you want to reveal about them along the way.

Most often the main character POV is the protagonist. But are there aspects of your protagonist that can only be revealed via an objective character’s POV? The Great Gatsby is a book that utilizes a POV that is not the protagonist. This character reveals aspects of Gatsby’s character that Gatsby would have never seen about himself.

Does your protagonist have secrets you don’t want your reader to know until the end of the story?

Then avoid 1st person. Readers expect full access to the thoughts and emotions of a 1st person POV character. Because there is a degree of emotional detachment in 3rd person you can keep some thoughts and emotions secret in order to serve your plot. For that reason, 3rd person is best for mysteries and thrillers.

Part of the wonderful versatility of 3rd person is its ability for you to zoom in on a character’s thoughts and emotions or zoom out to whatever emotional distance you desire.

If a child told your story, how would it differ from having an adult tell the story?

Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird is a wonderful example of how a story can differ with character POV. Think about the professions of your characters and how that could impact the story you tell. Is there a character, whether child or adult, who would provide a more interesting take on your story?

Is it important that readers experience the thoughts and emotions of more than one of your characters? Then 3rd person is probably your best option.

Some genres (and some publishers) require a specific point of view. Review other books in your genre for their POV.

Each option has its benefits and drawbacks, so consider your plot, the protagonist’s character arc, and what you plan to reveal at the end. Ask yourself lots of questions about your story and characters as you ponder POV. I especially like Nancy Kress’s advice in her book Characters, Emotion & Viewpoint.

“Whose head are you most interested in inhabiting during this story?”

In a Quandary? Experiment

Still not sure what to do? Try this:

Take one scene from your story and write it in 1st person with the protagonist. Then write that same scene in 3rd person. Now try writing it with a different character other than your protagonist. Which was easier to write? Which one seems to flow more smoothly. Read each one out loud. Which sounds best?

As you learn the craft of writing and develop your skills, it’s best to master point of view with one character throughout your story (whether through first or third person) before moving on to multiple POV characters or experimenting with the more demanding 2nd person and omniscient POVs.

There are other ways of handling POV than those I’ve covered here. I recommend reading Characters, Emotions & Viewpoint by Nancy Kress for a more in depth understanding.

By giving point of view greater thought before you begin writing, you can have a stronger story from page 1.

(This post first appeared on DebraLButterfield.com now TheMotivationalEditor. Contains affiliate links.)

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