15 Keyboard Shortcuts to Make Your Writing Faster

15 Keyboard Shortcuts to Make Your Writing FasterI want to accomplish as much as I can when I’m writing, so I utilize keyboard shortcuts. Many of these MS Word shortcuts translate over to other word processing programs such as Scrivener (the one I use).

Here is a list of MS Word keyboard shortcuts to help you save time as you write your stories.

  • Copy selected text = Ctrl key + C
  • Paste selected text = Ctrl+V
  • Cut selected text = Ctrl+X
  • Save document = Ctrl+S
  • Undo action = Ctrl+Z (A real stress reducer!)
  • Redo action = Ctrl+Y
  • Select all text within a document = Ctrl+A
  • Move to beginning of next paragraph = Ctrl+down arrow key
  • Move to beginning of previous paragraph = Ctrl+up arrow
  • Move cursor to beginning of next word = Ctrl+right arrow
  • Move cursor to beginning of previous word = Ctrl+left arrow
  • © using Word = Ctrl, Alt + c ( symbol appears immediately), Alt+0169, using Scrivener (symbol appears after you release the Alt key)
  • ® = Ctrl, Alt + r (Word, symbol appears immediately), Alt+0174 (Scrivener, symbol appears after you release the Alt key)
  • Select a portion of text from cursor to wherever you point your mouse = Shift key+left mouse click
  • Display Help = F1 key

Have some fun while in Word. Experiment with the Alt key and number combinations and see what you get. Keyboard shortcuts save time and hassle.

(This post first appeared on DebraLButterfield.com.)

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