Frequently Asked Publishing Questions

Have publishing questions? You’re not alone. We get tons of questions and have a list here of our most common ones. If you think of something that isn’t answered here, please contact us. We are happy to sit down with you to go over your questions and concerns.

We are a full-service publisher that works with authors to produce and distribute high-quality books in print and digital formats. We work with Christian genres – fiction, nonfiction, young adult, children’s books, and many others.

Unfortunately, we don’t have a simple answer for that question. We will give you an approximate date when you first contract with us, but that date may change as we go through the process. So much depends upon how far along you are in the process when you sign with us, what our client load is, and how quick all of us are with turnaround times. Our goal is to get your book done as quickly as possible, while at the same time maintaining the high quality of books we are known for.

Absolutely. You can do this yourself, but we suggest first asking… do I have the knowledge and skills needed to do it myself? There are a lot of things that go into producing a book… a well-written, edited and proofed manuscript, an attractive cover that pulls in readers in and yet fits the standard for the genre, compelling marketing copy, layout and printing specs required by the printer, and so much more. All of this requires technical and editorial expertise. We offer you that expertise.

Absolutely. You retain all the rights to your book, including all digital and print rights.

You do. Authors set their book’s price along with the description, keywords, genre and other metadata needed for publication. (Don’t worry… we can help, if needed.)

That is up to you…but we can help! You will have access to our amazing team through our weekly email with quick marketing tips. For those who want more help… coming soon, we’ll have marketing coaches to help new authors build a firm marketing platform with one-on-one coaching. Keep checking back for more details.

Yes. Once your book files are created, we will send you pdf copies of the book for you to review and note any required changes.

Just contact us and we will be sure to answer your questions as quickly as possible.